Sweden’s Included.Works launches a new service answering companies’ need of diversity.

The founders behind Sweden’s Included.Works, the platform that helps companies with recruiting through crowdsourcing, have developed a new service: ProgressData.io. The service makes it possible for companies to keep track of diversity within their company and give insight into how they can develop it.

“We started addressing the problem with homogenous companies with our recruiting service Included.Works, which gives a finder’s fee if an individual recommends the right candidate to the right company, resulting in a successful hire. It works as an external recruiter which strengthens diversity by offering an expanded network to the company. Now we want leaders within the company to think about how diversity looks in their company and show them how it can improve. When a “Steve” is recruiting, it is often easy for him to find and put in place new “Steves,” creating restrained companies with locked networks, a situation not beneficial to anyone,” says Heidi Harman, co-founder of Included.Works and ProjectData.io.

ProgressData.io charts and keeps track of the company’s diversity. Through the service, leaders and managers get research-based advice on how diversity can be developed within the company.

But why is diversity so important? Companies with greater diversity have better established prerequisites for positive financial outcomes. Diversity also serves in attracting more socially aware top talents, aiding the company in becoming attractive to job seekers.

About Peter Green

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