
Planday’s 30 day challenge: Sell, sell, sell!

Welcome to the second chapter in the story of Danish company Planday and their attempt to gain a foothold in the United States – a true adventure,  controlled with a heavy hand by Danish-owned Lemonsqueeze, whose specialty is helping European companies to gain traction and scale their business in the US market. Last week, the company underwent an onboarding process …

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Startup Cabin’s Xue Mei talks about being an entrepreneur in the media   Xue Mei is out her mom’s house chilling and working. • We hear how she helped with a stressed out team she advises • XM meets the other columnists at the magazine she’s writing for • XM gives you a travel tip for France • XM gets a big, sort of unpleasant surprise at a photoshoot.

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5 tips for handling the media as a startup

To handle the media is a difficult task. How is the best way to promote your new business and how should you make your story interesting to the readers? At Nordic Startup Bits we have asked Xue Mei Rhodin, Founder of Cedarwood and Startup Cabin (where she regularly vlogs), to share some tips she’s learned over the hears as an …

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How to strategize your business process

Nordic angel investor Hampus Jakobsson presents some clear go-to advice for how to strategize your business process. The advice was originally posted as an answer to the question: “This is my first startup company and I read conflicting ways of strategizing the business process online. Can someone help provide clarity in what I should be doing?” Find the original here. I think you should …

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Introducing The Nordic Startup Media Network

The Nordic Startup Media project is still in its infancy, but holds immense potential in branding and promoting the Nordic startup community as a whole. Oddly enough, this project started as an idea between natural competitors covering the Nordic region. Various media projects across the Nordics are every day trying to help promote and thus grow that Nordic startup scene. …

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TED Talk: The single biggest reasons why startups succeed

In this TED Talk Bill Gross explains why one certain factor is often essential for startups to succeed. Bill Gross, founder of Idealab, a business incubator focused on new ideas, got curious about why some startups succeed and other fails. Therefore he gathered data from hundreds of companies (100 Idea Lab startups and 100 non-Idea Lab startups). He ranked each of …

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Insights on the Nordic Business Angels

There is room for improvement in the pulsing Nordic startup and business angel environment. The Nordic startup and business angel environment is pulsing. Still more highly remarkable Nordic startups are emerging, and there has never been more venture capital available. But just as startups and entrepreneurs have to mature and grow, great business angels must also emerge over time.  There …

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Do’s and don’ts at the Y Combinator interview?

The American seed accelerator Y Combinator might be one of the world’s most desired and respected of its kind. Henrik Zillmer, founder of AirHelp, managed to get through the eye of the needle and got accepted to the program. In this blog post he share his experience in order to help other hopeful startups. By Henrik Zillmer, posted at Twice every year, I …

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Trustpilot’s revenue grows 80% in one year

The Danish startup, Trustpilot, which specializes in user reviews of companies’ customer service products, has had a growth in revenue of 80% from 2013 to 2014 as well as an growth in reviews by 50% compared to previous years. The companies have realized the value of user reviews, explains the CEO of Trustpilot. You may also like: Trustpilot join Bing …

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