Swedish Phoodster has created an app that generates mouth-watering meal suggestions incorporating items currently on sale at your local stores.
An Idea Born from an everyday problem
Most of us have a hard time deciding what to cook, especially if you are trying a new diet or are looking for something special. We are bombarded with promotions as soon as we enter a supermarket, but it can be hard to make sense of them all and turn them into a home cooked meal.
Daniel Zand, CEO and Co-founder of Phoodster, often found himself in this exact situation, when he had to decide what he wanted to cook for dinner. The idea for Phoodster emanated from his own daily frustrations. Daniel went together with his good friend Aaron Gonzalez, and together they came up with the concept for Phoodster.
“People want to discover new dishes tailored to themselves, and they want to do
it seamlessly. They also want to take advantage of store offers. When we noticed that there was no recipe site that were giving us relevant and timely suggestions, we decided to do something about it.” Says Daniel Zand, CEO and Co-founder of Phoodster.
Stress Free Grocery Shopping
Phoodster aim to take the stress out of grocery store shopping, from both a cost perspective and by solving the paradox of choice, helping people make a simpler decision on what to cook.
“We are the service that makes grocery store’s offers highly contextual and valu
able for shoppers and retailers. Simply tell Phoodster where you shop, what you like, and we make sure you get a number of meals considering items on sale for your next home-cooked meal.” Says Aaron Gonzalez, Co-founder of Phoodster.
Can Help bring home cooking back
Home cooked meals provide opportunities for people to incorporate healthy eating habits, save money and bring the family together. There is something about cooking, which creates a transition from busy daytime activities into a more relaxing environment.
The goal of Phoodster is to inspire and help people create great home-cooked meals.
“We believe that food is a big part of our life and that the kitchen is the hub of our home. When it comes to feeding your body, nothing is superior to preparing your own food. Unfortunately, many see it a hassle, but we want to change that with Phoodster.” Says Aaron Gonzalez
The concept behind Phoodster might sound quite simple, but there has been many challenges along the road as there is supposed to be with any startup. One specific challenge was quite hard to overcome for Phoodster:
“Our biggest challenge to date has been, understanding the grocery marketplace from three different sides: the consumer, the store and the different brands. Through many meetings, pitches and lots of shopper-feedback we have tested, validated, and killed many ideas along the way. The learning to date has been equally humbling and thrilling, and the product we have today is the outcome of that hard work.” Says Daniel Zand.
Phoodster is currently still in beta and you can sign up for a beta invite through their website.