
Nordic Game Helsinki 23: New attendance record at Slush side event

For the second year the Slush gaming angle was mostly covered by Nordic Game

We had a chance to reconnect with Jacob Riis from NordicGame on his returnal to Helsinki and Slush for 2023, as the Nordic Game Helsinki event took place on Slush day -1 and day 0 at Epicenter.

In 2022 the Nordic Game Helsinki event premiered during Slush-week with a 370 participants. Back for 2023, and now with status as “SOSE” – Slush Official Side Event, NG23 Helsinki broke that record with 67% – 618 attendees met at the Epicenter in the heart of the city, for a range of games industry focused activities, such as the Executive Summit, and speed pitching and coaching events for game startups and growing studios.

Additionally, more than 300 meetings between developers and investors, publishers, and service providers we taking place during the day, with the help of Nordic Game partner MeetToMatch.  The Day One of NG23 Helsinki ended with a lot of singing – at the after-hours party, industry legend Ste Curran entertained with Maraoke,  his modded version of karaoke where attendees sang famous pop and rock songs, but all with rewritten (and very funny) lyrics about games.

Jacob summed it up, while dancing on the Maraoke floor “NG23 Helsinki would like to thank its partners and sponsors for a great first day of the show! “


About Peter Green

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