
Danish Washa gets investment from the Lions

Online laundry and dry-cleaning service Washa get investment to scale big. Christian Stadil, Tommy Ahlers and Jesper Buch invested 1,5 million crowns (over 200,000 euro) in Danish startup Washa, an online laundry and dry-cleaning service that picks up your clothes and drops them off clean at your address within 48 hours. The investment took place in connection with the Danish …

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No more waiting around – Book N Wash is here

When living in an apartment block, doing your laundry can be very frustrating, time-wasting activity. Now, three female entrepreneurs have developed an application,Book N Wash, which makes the entire booking process easier. People who live in an apartment block knows how frustrating it is to walk down to the laundry room with all your laundry, only to find there is …

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Planday’s 30 day challenge: Sell, sell, sell!

Welcome to the second chapter in the story of Danish company Planday and their attempt to gain a foothold in the United States – a true adventure,  controlled with a heavy hand by Danish-owned Lemonsqueeze, whose specialty is helping European companies to gain traction and scale their business in the US market. Last week, the company underwent an onboarding process …

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University Startup World Cup in Copenhagen attracts the world’s best brains

Contact lenses for diabetes, which can measure your health, insect-flour that can replace cereals, or a tiles with naturally growing grass that can replace traditional tiles to make cities greener? The ideas are only some of many that will be celebrated at the University Startup World Cup , held in Copenhagen for the first time. This week’s schedule is tight, …

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Graduateland expands and gets new CEO

Co-founder and former COO Patrick Lund has replaced Jens Reimer Olsen as the CEO of Graduateland, Europe’s largest career network for students and graduates. “The timing is just right,” says Jens Reimer Olesen. With the launch of their new business,, a system that helps recruiters use analytics to gain a deeper understanding of job applicants, the two co-founders of …

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Challenge: Planday occupies the USA – Onboarding

Welcome to the first week of Planday’s adventure in the United States. This week really brought the heat in the Lemonsqueeze office, where Planday is housed.  Onboarding was on the agenda, and Lemonsqueeze had divided it into two phases:  Company Onboarding and Employee Onboarding. Company Onboarding focuses on getting Planday’s DNA into ‘Plandayers’ – new employees.  The top priority is …

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Danish Startup wants to make the travel market more transparent

3-offer portals are emerging on the business scene. Some of the most noticeable are and Two students from Aarhus have added a travel edition to the mix: In a busy weekday time is everything, and any extra hours you can are priceless. In the last couple of years, 3-offer portals have emerged all over the business scene …

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Danish platform to help job seekers get investment

The new Danish platform Praice received an investment of one million from four private investors, including former Endomondo co-founder Christian Birk. The platform Praice caters to companies and job seekers. In addition to a normal CV and letter of motivation, job-seekers can have a social profile based on their network. The Danish-developed platform has landed four private investors, who will …

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Can you get a foothold in the US market in 30 days?

Establish a solid, sustainable business in the United States in just 30 days! This is the challenge the Danish startup Planday have given themselves –  look over their shoulders and experience their 30-day voyage ‘over there’.   Each year, many Danish companies try to put down roots in the US market, but only a few succeed in this mission. What is …

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Building the Future of Weather Services

Thomas Helms, CEO and co-founder of Vaavud, is building a crowdsourced weather platform…a Waze for weather Everyone has experienced a weather forecast that did not quite hold true and experienced how it can ruin everything from picnics to a wedding party. The wind meters developed by Danish startup Vaavud aim to fix that problem. Vaavud is a crowdsourced weather service …

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Fashion + Big Data = EasySize

Gulnaz Khusainova, founder of EasySize, uses big data to know your body size better than you do. Originally written in #NordicMade Magazine, August 25th, 2015. The Nordic countries are booming with fashion technology startups like Son of A Tailor, Miinto, Fits. me, The Cloakroom, Heelosophy or EasySize. EasySize is the Copenhagen-based, data-driven technology startup that digs into online-retailers databases to …

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Product Manager of Airtame: “We made our hobbies into a business”

  Marius Klausen is the Product Manager and co-founder of AIRTAME. His career as a successful entrepreneur had already started when he was 19. Story and photos by Josefine Maria Hansen AIRTAME’s office is on the second floor through a courtyard on a street outside the city of Copenhagen. I will be meeting with Marius Klausen, Product Manager and co-founder of …

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Danish Churchdesk raises 13 million kroner

Church communication platform Churchdesk announced on August 20th that they have raised an investment round of almost 14 million.  The round was led by venture capital company Mangrove Capital Partners.  By Tina Søndergaard Thorsen   The Danish startup Churchdesk,  established in 2012, has raised $2 million dollars from venture capital company Mangrove Capital Partners, which is located in the UK. …

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Entrepreneurs take over Camp Ven #2015

By Tina Søndergaard Thorsen and Sisse Melsen On the 14-16 of August, Camp Ven #2015 was held for the first time.  Entrepreneurs and startup players from the Øresund region were invited to spend the weekend on the island of Ven, located between Sweden and Denmark.  The concept was simple: to gather 50 people for an ‘unconference’ in idyllic surroundings. The …

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One hashtag to rule them all!

Have you ever looked up something on Wikipedia and 40 minutes and 3354 clicks later you end up reading about the mating rituals of narwhals wandering where did it all begin? Imagine now that you want to explore something and there is a platform that will take you on a similar journey across social media sites, blogs, videos, images and …

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Garage Technology Ventures and Nordic Partners Launch “Silicon Valley Catalyst”

Garage Technology Ventures, Norway’s StartupLab, and Silicon Valley-based MAD-Partners announced earlier this month the launch of Silicon Valley Catalyst, a new joint venture to fund and grow brilliant emerging European technology companies that are ready to launch in the U.S. The collaboration brings together a team of experienced Silicon Valley and Nordic venture players to provide investment capital and intensive …

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#7 Nordic Co-working Spaces: Bricks

There are two things that are universally true for entrepreneurs – they need to market their products and they are extremely busy and stressed out! Now there is a co-working space that supports them in dealing with both of these challenges by providing them with tranquility and the opportunity to learn and grow their business through clever, high-end marketing hacks. …

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Cracking a big, growing and busy market that no one else cracked

This guest blogpost is written by Rasmus Bjerngaard, venture investor in Northcap Partners. Since 2014 Northcap has been investor in the Copenhagen based startup in the local search market Colego. In this blogpost Rasmus Bjerngaard explains what made them believe in Cologo. You’ve probably been there: How do I know if that lawyer is good? Can anyone recommend a carpenter? …

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Confessions of a serial entrepreneur

Serial entrepreneur, investor and Managing Partner at Prehype, Henrik Werdelin believes that making the same mistakes as others have is a waste of time. Therefore, he is passing on some of his best learnings here in this article. “It suddenly hit me; I had been working for 15 years and according to the data I will live to be 100. …

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