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“English” and “Sociability” are top skills for landing a startup job in Denmark

“English” and “Sociability” are top skills for landing a startup job in Denmark

Looking for a job at a startup in Denmark? Well, be aware because in start-up land there is quite a few skills that you need to master no matter what kind of work you want to do. Often you will moreover find that the startup founders are looking for that special thing, the x-factor, that will qualify you for the job. But what is this thing and what are the skills you need to be stellar at?

By Tine Dührr

Do not hesitate to read on, because, a Danish search engine for education, has the answers for you right here. They have listed the top 30 skills required below if your dream is to work in a start-up in Denmark.

But first of, know this: Inhabit the qualities of a chameleon, and you will be a true star in the world of start-ups. Why? Because working in a start-up, means that you need to wear quite a few hats throughout the day. Your role is constantly changing, and what you thought was your job description today might be totally different one tomorrow.

So, let’s jump right to it and find out if you are perfect for a job at a startup in Denmark.

In startup-land you’ll find a lot of different types of job descriptions, and different types of companies as well. The list above was made from an analysis of 533 job advertisements from start-up employers seeking employees.

We have removed all the professional-specific skills, so that the list only contain the sought-after personal qualities among the many job advertisements. Here the list shows that no matter what type of job you are looking for, there are some common features that apply if you want a job at a startup.

The startup industry is a tough cookie

In the Danish startup community, you’ll find a lot of ambitious people wanting to make it to the top. This means that they are solely looking for people who are true self-starters and as ambitious about the project as they are.

A quick look at the top 30 list shows that language skills are highly appreciated. Fortunately, a lot of Danish employers are looking for great English skills, so don’t hesitate in applying as a non-native Dane. However, your English must be impeccable. If English isn’t your mother tongue you might want to brush up on it as it is the no.1 sought after skill.

See Also

Are you a superstar? Maybe your next job is in a startup!

A lot of entrepreneurs don’t consider their job as their job. It is their hobby, their project, their free time and everything in between. That often means: Work hard, play hard. You will be surrounded by the same people all day, every day. So be prepared.

A well-developed social gene is a skill that is highly valued by those looking for employees. And as you can see, even the skill “Love to party” snug its way into the list, which indicate that the culture is a bit different from other regular companies.

Another word you will see on the list is “Superstar”. A lot of employers want you to be stellar at what you do and nothing but a superstar in your field. Are you not a superstar yet? No worries, got you covered.

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