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Get insights from your investorpresentations with pitchXO

Funding is a vital part of many of the start ups business plans and therefore feedback is an important feature during this process. Pitchxo gives businesses possibilities to track data from their presentations and create better pitches.

For many start ups the funding process is essential and a vital part of their business plan, but it can be hard to get feedback on the pitch itself, that is sent to a potential investor or partner. With Pitchxo, start-ups and other businesses looking for funding, have the possibility to monitor and track data received from their presentation, which is sent out.

Social login gives the possibility for feedback and data tracking.

Pitch xo is an online platform where Business prospects / Entrepreneurs can upload a professional presentation and then send it on to potential investors via an email link. After this has been done, the investor can then log on via a social login such as LinkedIn, Angel List or Facebook, thereby allowing the prospect /individual, to follow along the whole process.

Claire-PitchXO“With pitchXO, the sender has the possibility to see who has looked at their presentation, which slides they have looked at and how long their interest in the slides was held for. Furthermore, it allows them to set up and update KPI’s and check up on their progress,” explains Claire Ross-Brown, Sales Director in Scandinavia for PitchXO.

PitchXO gives the user different design options and video upload integration, creating the upmost professional and visually appealing presentation.

Morten Lund wanted to track his PDFs

The idea for PitchXO came from the co-founder, investor and serial entrepreneur Morten Lund after his own need of being inundated with different presentations, in the form of a PDF and needing to be able to track it all and give feedback.

MortenLund“I’m often contacted by entrepreneurs, that are seeking help for funding, but I found myself needing a better system to keep track of which PDF had been sent and to whom and to know, if they had even opened it,” says Morten Lund, co-founder of PitchXO.

Together with Markus Stefanko they identified which information would be most useful and worth knowing for Investors and Entrepreneurs, and that is how they came up with PitchXO.

The main focus for PitchXO has been the Entrepreneurs, however, business’s can use it too, that are searching or pitching for funds. It is also a great benefit to PR agencies, Sales and Telemarketing companies. PitchXO is currently exploring new possibilities and ways of applying the platform to even more industries.

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