How do like dem’ Apples? Organic, Chippy and Tasty

APPLE A DAY is attempting to penetrate the fat and sugar filled market with its line of tasty fruit and vegetable based treats.

Attributing its name from a famous English proverb, APPLE A DAY, is Danish company producing healthy, organic and delicious snack foods. The company was first launched in February 2013 and is run by three young entrepreneurs Rasmus Ricco Nordentoft, Patrick Støckel and Alexander Henrik Rohde.

APPLE A DAY prides itself on being creative and innovative. The company regularly tries to bring new products to the market and at the same time retain its healthy and organic ethos.

“We are one of the only companies in Denmark that produces fruit leather. We also concoct all sorts of flavour mixes for our products. At the moment we have liquorice flavoured apple chips which is a big hit in our Danish market.” Rohde explains to Nordic Startup Bits

One challenge this small organic snack foods producer is facing are the relatively high cost constraints of running a business in Denmark.

“The food ministry has to regularly approve the hygiene and the machinery, and these visits cost 500DK per 15 minutes. explains Rohde. Furthermore the high wages in Denmark make expanding production very expensive.”

The trio produce all their products in a warehouse in central Copenhagen. They are adamant in keeping production local despite the high costs of conducting core business units in Denmark.

In an attempt to alleviate these cost concerns APPLE A DAY is considering social entrepreneurship strategies.

“There are areas in Denmark that have high levels of unemployment. One strategy we are considering is employing people in need of jobs, equipping them with the necessary skills and giving them a certain percentage of the profits.”

This strategy would be one method of simultaneously increasing production and exposing their brand as well as helping to alleviate the systematic unemployment occurring in these areas.

Researching and implementing social initiatives are not the only item on APPLE A DAY’s agenda. With Christmas coming the team is excited to release a new product. Rohde did not reveal too many of the details of this product but it involves a collaboration with another Danish company. He hinted also that it includes nuts.

About Dinuka Muhandiramge

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