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Popular brain training app Brain+ receives million investment

The popular brain training app Brain+ receives million investment from the danish VC’s Seed Capital, North-East Venture, and some other business angels. by Jonas Munk In 2014 Brain+ was awarded as the greatest new app in 125 countries and in the previous year the app has achieved 1 million downloads on the App Store. Worldwide a lot of users have expressed …

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Planning your move to the US market? You don’t have to do it alone

Many entrepreneurs from the Nordics dream with following the steps of companies like Issuu or Spotify into the United States, an almost 320 million population market with a single currency. But imagine moving your startup to a new city across the Atlantic. Setting up a new office in New York City, all the paperwork and legal issues, hiring the right …

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Grant4Apps DEMODAY Berlin: Bayer showcases its fledgling startups

Grants4Apps is an accelerator programme conceptualized by pharmaceutical giant Bayer.  The 1st of December marked Demo Day where each of the five European healthcare startups had the opportunity to unveil their product. By Dinuka Muhandiramge. I arrived in Berlin the first day of December. The wind was chilly amongst the derelict Soviet style buildings and the majestic historical landmarks. The air was filled …

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