Music streaming is significantly more popular in Scandinavia

One might easily believe that the transition from downloaded music to streaming is already finished. However, a new report from research firm Bernstein shows that the opposite is true. Even though the numbers are from 2013 they still give a good picture how Scandinavia is radically different from the rest of the western world. In Sweden streaming services was responsible …

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SXSW – Audiocase is kickstarting Austin

Danish Audiocase is joining our Nordic Startup booth at the SxSW tech & music festival in Austin Texas. We had a chat with Søren Larsen the CEO and founder of Audiocase about being a startup and the progress of their current Kickstarter campaign. Audiocase is attending the SxSW tech & music festival, which is the largest music festival in the …

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How the future of the Nordic startup scene looks like

Nordic Startup Bits have interviewed some of the most prominent Nordic VC’s, Gregers Kronborg from Northzone, Martin Hauge from Creandum, and Niels Vejrup from SEED Capital about their view on the Nordic startup scene. In the series of articles Nordic Startup Bits will look at the most promising, the worst and the biggest challenges on the Nordic startup scene based …

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Tradeshift: Believing in yourself is the single most important thing

This article is part of our content-partner program and is made in collaboration with DI ITEK. DI ITEK is an organization that aims to provide Danish businesses the best conditions possible to succeed, among other things by offering consultancy concerning staff, international service, productivity and competence development. DI ITEK is part of the European campaign,Watify, which aims to support digital entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs have the opportunity …

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Former Just-Eat CEO invest knowledge and money in Planday

When Planday received an investment from Creandum back in 2014, they kept a part of the investment open for the right Co-Investor. They found Klaus Nyengaard, who previously led the Danish startup Just-Eat towards an international market, and therefore was a perfect fit. The experienced entrepreneur and business angel must now help Planday, with their continued growth adventure. Klaus Nyengaard …

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SXSW – Who are the Nordic Startups?

The Nordicstartupbits team is hosting the Nordic booth at SxSW tech & music conference in Austin Texas. We are here with 13 Nordic startups, who are here to represent the potential of Nordic Startups and their companies – let us introduce them. We asked all the Nordic Startups to make a 140 character introduction about their startups, and here is …

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SXSW – Stories & visuals from the Nordic Startup booth

The Nordic booth is getting a lot of buzz at the SxSW conference & music festival, and our Nordic Startups is getting some great feedback from investors, startups and costumers from all over the world. Here is a throwback on what has been happening so far. Its been a busy few days here in Austin Texas, at the SxSW conference & …

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Norwegian Xeneta disrupts the global sea freight market

The Norwegian company Xeneta is disrupting the global sea freight market by making the prices transparent. Before Xeneta it was next to impossible for a customer to see through prices. Now Xeneta has put a stop to the suppliers’ opportunity to delude unenlightened customers. From a world with no transparency Imagine you would still have to go to a physical …

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From 100 to 300 – how Trustpilot creates cohesiveness in a growing company

Maintaining the company culture in a growing startup can be hard. How do you make a team consisting of 300 employees divided between three countries pull in the same direction? Peter Holten Mühlman, founder of Trustpilot, explains what their journey has taught him. Being a “startup” is popular. It is colourful, youthful and fun. It is not a process, nor …

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SXSW Nordic Startups – Share your interests in ongoing stories

These days the Nordicstartupbits team is placed in the middle of the tech hurricane at the SxSW conference in Austin Texas. Today we got to talk with a lot of Nordic startups, so the next few days, we will be posting articles about the startups and general news from the SxSW conference & festival. The first startup we want to …

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SXSW – xNordics are ready to conquer Austin Texas and SXSW

Nordic Startup Bits wants to cover the Nordics, tell the stories and unite the region as one. We are here at SXSW and want to tell the world the Nordics are ready. Ready to change the world we are living in, one bit at a time. We are a region of vikings with a unique DNA, legacy and a willingness …

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Book your fishing trip with Fishtrip

Two Danish engineers and recreational fishing enthusiasts have created a unique platform, which makes the booking of fishing trips on board of fishing vessels in Denmark a breeze. Fishtrip is a unique booking platform for fishing trips in Denmark. Fishtrip simplifies the process of booking a trip by giving people, an easy overview of the available choices and the ability …

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Here is the top 5 Fastest Startups from Sweden Competing for TECH5

Hundreds of startups from Europe have been submitting their names in order to be featured in the competition. Tech5 is an online initiative in search of Europe’s fastest growing Tech startups. On the 9th March, the top 5 companies from each country have been selected. All country finalists will be invited to attend The Next Web Conference Europe  on 23rd -24th …

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Recap from CROWD15 in Copenhagen

CROWD15, the biggest crowdsourcing and crowdfunding conference in the Nordics, was held 26 and 27 of February. The conference was held in Copenhagen’s stock exchange’s facilities  and Nordicstartupbits was present at the event. The CROWD15 conference had a content rich program, with several speakers from some of the most successful startup, which focus on the strength of crowdsourcing and crowdfunding in …

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Workaway’s Morroco experience

Danish startup Workaway is at it again, this time whizzing its entrepreneurs to a secluded villa in the outskirts of Marrakesh and Adadir. The goal of Workaway is to give participants an opportunity to network with other entrepreneurs, solve internal business problems and expand their customer base. The seven day course also gave participants the opportunity to take in the …

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