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Explore the deep with Blueye underwater drone

Drones are all the rage right now, buzzing above our heads with with our without human interaction.  We have all seen scenes shot in birds eye views from flying drones.  Now, a Norwegian company has decided to take drones from the skies to the sea, and build a drone meant for exploring the oceans depths. Blueye Robotics is a Trondheim …

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4 fintech trends from emerging economies

The phenomenon of innovations from the emerging world making great impact in developed markets, popularly known as “reverse innovation”,  has been keenly observed since the 80’s. Read on to learn which trends in fintech from emerging economies gaining traction in the developed world. Reverse innovation is generally a response to global MNCs falling short of fulfilling the market needs in …

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The next round is now officially on Drinkz

Drinkz is a new app that caters to drinkers who appreciate quality and convenience.  Want to meet over delicious cocktails, but not waste time queuing at the bar?  Then download the Drinkz app. Drinkz  functions as a sort of directory that guides the user to the places in town that maintain high standards. According to the team behind the Danish …

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