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Infographic: How Apple’s Arkit will change AR and VR development

Remember the Pokemon Go and all the hype and fiver around it?  You will be surprised, but the next big thing is already here.  Augmented Reality is ready to be introduced to anyone who owns an Apple device running the iOS 11 this fall. On the WWDC this June, Senior VP of software engineering Craig Federighi announced the numerous inventions …

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Winning with the lean startup model, from Bangladesh to Norway

Heidi Berg and her team was one of the winners of the first round of Ignite intrapreneurship programme. She and Nazmin Neza are now developing Engage, a new business venture, in Grameenphone, Telenor Group’s company in Bangladesh. The goal with our product is to help over one million sales agents in Telenor to communicate better with their customers. “We are …

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