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What happens if you lower the risk of trying?

The inimitable Henrik Werdelin tends to say that corporations need to lower the risk of trying new things. As I’ve understood his thinking —and I’m sure he’ll correct me if I’m misunderstanding — the logic is basically as follows. Big company boards tend to assume that trying new things will be risky. They therefore optimize for making sure an opportunity is big …

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Pitching investors is a team sport

I am a big believer that CEOs, and other relevant people in a company, should keep an open dialogue with potential investors — all part of investing in lines and not dots. Many of these informal conversations will be one-on-one. However, in a recent Board Meeting, we discussed a company’s plan to accelerate a funding round and go on a ‘roadshow’ in …

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Food startups to watch

In 2014, Fortune Magazine  broke down how hot the food industry is among venture capitalists. In in 2013 alone, VCs had allocated $2.8 billion into food-related startups. Various factors, including sustainability, health, and digitalization, influence the food industry, making it increasingly diversified and interesting. Fascinating concepts and services are evolving around food. EntoCube, PlateCulture and EpicFoods are among the startups …

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