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Open Education Challenge

Develop, strengthen and fund your education related start-up through the Open Education Challenge – A new European-wide initiative that is a part of the Opening Up Education initiative and Start Up Europe. Aspiring entrepreneurs or existing startups in the first stages of development can now submit their innovative ideas and solutions such as online education platforms, educational content, adaptive learning, …

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Copenhagen Entrepreneurship Tour Offers Quick Glance into Startup Scene

Copenhagen Entrepreneurship Tour (CET) continues to inspire and motivate future entrepreneurs with what the Danish startup community has to offer, through visits to thriving startups around Copenhagen. Eggs need the appropriate temperature, environment and care for them to survive incubation and become whatever they want to be. Coincidentally, startups can be seen in a similar light, as they need the …

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This week on Trendsonline!

The weekly sum up of the Danish digital entrepreneur scene and startup news brought to you by Trendsonline. The week started with IKT Vækstteamet releasing a 15 page report detailing their 10 recommendations for digital growth in Denmark. Tuesday was a big day for announcements, as the Trendsonline team hardly had a chance to drink our coffee, with two huge pieces …

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