
Attending Slush 2023 was brimming with positive vibes

At a sizable booth, Samar Malik was promoting SAP for startups, emphasizing the company’s wealth of knowledge and expertise. It marked her inaugural attendance at Slush, where she commended the event and its arrangements. However, the genuine slush and sleet outdoors left the London resident a bit hesitant. Sami Vuorenmaa recently established his consultancy, Clarinum Insights, which focuses on helping …

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5 Nordic Sustainable Tech startups to watch out for 

The Nordic countries have adopted a vision to become the most sustainable and integrated region in the world by 2030.   Bolstered by the ambitious climate goals set by the region’s governments,  startups have been tackling all manner of the green transition from smart farming to recycling, and are now leaders in sustainable technologies. At Oslo Innovation Week’s Climate Demo Day at …

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5 reasons Why Sweden is Leading the European eCommerce Industry

In the past couple of years their has been an increase in Swedish eCommerce as a result of the pandemic. In an interview, Per Ljungberg, the chief executive officer at Svensk Digital Handel, mentioned that three out of four people in Sweden didn’t shop online ever before March 2020. However, experts suggest that the new first-time consumers are here to …

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Covid-19 has not stopped growth in the Danish tech ecosystem, but demand for talent is serious roadblock

A new survey from Digital Hub Denmark shows that the need for digital talent among Danish companies has significantly increased since the spring of 2020. As of Q2 2021, the Danish demand for digital talent is 22 per cent higher than before the pandemic.  While many companies continued to thrive during Covid-19,  they have struggled to find the talent they …

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Guest post: Remote development teams in the Nordics

Countries all over the globe incline to hiring developers for startups as their business model as it is a modern, proactive, and effective solution in the business world. With remote employees that work for your project from around the world, you get maximum efficiency and cut costs considerably. But can this scenario be applied to startups in the Nordic countries? …

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Infographic: Global free zones

Free zones are specific areas located within different countries where businesses operate under different tax laws separate from the rest of the country. Companies who are doing their business within free zones are usually taxed very lightly or not at all. Today, such areas are developed globally and they are located around seaports, airports or areas with strong strategic placement …

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Infographic: How Apple’s Arkit will change AR and VR development

Remember the Pokemon Go and all the hype and fiver around it?  You will be surprised, but the next big thing is already here.  Augmented Reality is ready to be introduced to anyone who owns an Apple device running the iOS 11 this fall. On the WWDC this June, Senior VP of software engineering Craig Federighi announced the numerous inventions …

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CEO of Feedbackly: Mexican companies more open to the cutting edge

At the end of May 2017, Finland’s Feedbackly announced they were planning to expand to Mexico.  Founded in 2013, the company has had success in Europe, where their multichannel customer experience measurement tool has been used by companies such as Kesko, Tiger and XXL Sport.  CEO Jaako Männistö guest blogs about why the company chose Mexico as their first point …

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How can the Nordics best compete on the global event stage?

In March 2017, #nordicmade companies took over SXSW at the #nordicmade booth.  With a helpful boost from the Rising North fund, the #nordicmade program included a pitch night, an investor dinner, a partnership with the John Lennon Educational Tourbus and a SaunaBus from Finland. However, it was a challenge for the Nordics to stand out in a sea of thousands …

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Chat Bots are here to stay – but should your company use them?

The purpose of chatbots is to aid in interaction with digital systems. But although the idea for chat bots is as old as the invention of the computer, users are often disappointed by what chatbots can offer. Should your company use chatbots, or should your development resources be used elsewhere? – Reply with “1” for English. Reply with “2” for …

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Infographic: The history of Bitcoin and it’s future

Bitcoins are seemingly making a convincing case for a digitized, decentralized currency, and the world is excitingly falling into the lockstep. If thoughts over bitcoins have ever crossed your mind and evoked a curiosity in you to know it up and close, this infographic is what you’re looking for. Bitcoin is the brainchild of Satoshi Nakamoto, who published a white …

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An interview with Finland’s Huone: “Business Is All about People & Trust”

Evon Söderlund, originally from Malaysia, and her husband Jussi Söderlund founded Huone, the world’s first event hotel, in Finland a couple years ago. Since then they’ve hosted more than 4,000 events for smaller and larger groups in uniquely designed rooms, and won several awards. Now the company is expanding. Evon and her team just opened their hotel in Singapore on …

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How to name your Nordic startup

Nordic countries have been heralded as the next Silicon Valley – and the numbers don’t lie. The investments in Danish start-ups doubled from 2014 to 2015, while Finland’s start-up gaming industry alone had a turnover of almost $2 billion USD in 2014. Clearly, the start-up scene is booming in the Scandinavian region. By Grant Polachek However, if you’re starting a …

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Bitcoin in Scandinavia: a history

Bitcoin, the world’s leading cryptocurrency, has certainly entered 2017 flying — the price is 1245 USD on March 14th (according to CEX.IO exchange). The price of the revolutionary digital payment method has already exceeded its all-time record value. Driven by Japan’s apparent warming to the currency, a pending decision over the approval of a BTC exchange-traded fund (ETF), and a …

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Why women in tech are tempted to leave Silicon Valley for Norway

As Norway tops quality of life and gender equality indexes consistently, it is no surprise that more and more women are looking to leave Silicon Valley – and the bro-culture that dominates the valley- behind for beautiful fjords and generous paternal leave.  We interview 4 women who took the plunge and embraced the Nordic lifestyle. “I have been here three …

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Estonian e-residency is attracting attention for pioneering borderless society

The Estonian e-residency programme is celebrating its two-year anniversary in 2017, and the idea of digital identity has attracted much attention from all over the world to the small country in northern Europe – even the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and The Pacific (ESCAP) has published a report on the role of Estonia’s e-residency programme in …

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Infographic: From outsourcing to crowdsourcing

There was a time when if you wanted something done affordably and efficiently you would outsource it to somebody else. Outsourcing is of course still common place in many areas of business. But crowdsourcing is quickly rising in popularity, and can replace virtually anything traditionally outsourced. Crowdsourcing is most popularly used in a few categories: Crowd Voting. Using the crowd to …

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Citizens of the world – The ins and outs of Estonian e-Residency

In May this year, Nordic Startup Bits writer, Thorunn Jonsdottir, was at infoShare in Gdansk listening to Kaspar Korjus, who’s leading the e-residency project on behalf of the Estonian government. She was intrigued and decided to apply. Three months later, after applying online and appearing at the embassy of Estonia in Berlin, she had her e-residency card. But what exactly …

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