TEDxCopenhagen innovated by Corona

TEDxCopenhagen is a local gathering where live TED-like talks and performances are shared with the community. TEDx´s are normally held physically as an event, and the Corona virus has therefore challanged this format. TEDxCopenhagen license holder, René Munk, speaks about how Corona has changed the TEDxCopenhagen format, maybe forever. TEDx has always been about the great ideas, making them visible …

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Baltic startup Cargo Stream aims to reduce Covid-19 stress on logistics sector

Due to the current Coronavirus crisis, supply chains around the world are being disrupted. Cargo Stream – a logistics management system established in Lithuania, is proposing a solution that optimize logistics processes and utilizes the potential of communication between the carriers, recipients, and logistics companies. Cargo Stream enables companies to manage logistics documentation and data more precisely, and shifts information …

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New startup wants to help Danes get 11 billion in forgotten tax deductions

Each year, Danes miss out on 11 billion kroner in deductions, either because people don’t know what they are entitled to, or because the process is simply too cumbersome. Tax Helper wants to change that.  By Aske Buemann Taxes and deductions can give many a blank look in their eyes. Therefore, two entrepreneurs will now help people find their deductions and get their …

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Danish startup PackitUp launches a platform to help in the Coronavirus pandemic

Copenhagen-based travel startup, PackitUp, is on a mission to provide help in the time of Coronavirus crisis. The team turned their existing social network platform into BringHero help platform, where people can either offer or request for help during the COVID-19 pandemic.  By Ira Leino The platform functions worldwide on voluntary-basis, and therefore, is completely free to use. Indeed, many …

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How Estonia Became A Tech Startup Nation

Situated in Northern Europe, Estonia is home to around 325 million people. Back in 1991, when Estonia gained independence from the Soviet Union, it was a relatively poor country. However, this relatively small country, that includes around 1500 islands, has slowly but surely made its mark by evolving into a top startup nation. But how did they do it? By …

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Guest post: Remote development teams in the Nordics

Countries all over the globe incline to hiring developers for startups as their business model as it is a modern, proactive, and effective solution in the business world. With remote employees that work for your project from around the world, you get maximum efficiency and cut costs considerably. But can this scenario be applied to startups in the Nordic countries? …

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Accelerate Estonia & Garage 48 organize hackathon against coronavirus

The accelerator program Accelerate Estonia and Garage48 organized an online hackathon to develop solutions to help Estonia emerge from the coronavirus crisis and create competitive advantages for the post-crisis period. By Elis Tootsman The initiative, which has become the largest online hackathon in Estonia, was opened by President Kersti Kaljulaid and Minister of Foreign Trade and Information Technology Kaimar Karu. …

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Recap: The Nordics at Shenzhen Hi-Tech Fair

In late 2019, 40 companies from across the Nordics traveled to Shenzhen, China, to join the Shenzhen Hi-Tech Fair. This a 500,000+ attendee event, one of the largest in the world, is a hotbed of the latest technology. The Nordic China Startup Forum (NCSF), a community-run initiative supporting Sino-Nordic collaboration in the startup ecosystem, joined forces with local communities and …

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Norway’s Playpulse launches in China, part of a growing trend of Nordic startups in Shenzhen

Norwegian startup Playpulse has successfully launched their gaming bikes in an activity park for children in a shopping mall in Shenzhen, China, part of the China Bay Area and a major startup hub. The company’s mission is to turn exercise into a fully-fledged computer gaming experience, boosting exercise motivation and battling sedentary lifestyles across the globe. After launching in Norway …

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The role of blockchain in the Scandinavian gaming industry

Scandinavia is known for implementing the newest innovations in many fields, including gaming. Current global entertainment tends are about applying crypto and improving blockchain-powered systems, and Scandinavia is among the leaders in doing so. By Julia Beyers Scandinavia is a pretty attractive region for blockchain developers who seek investments and cheap energy. Both regular people and large companies are ready …

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Japanese investors are favoring Finland and Estonia

New report on Japanese Investments launched last week at Slush shows that when it comes to Japanese investments going in to the Nordic regions, Finland & Estonia is leading.  The report was made by Innovation Lab Asia, Nordic Ninja VC and Copenhagen Capacity. According to the report, since 2013, 22 of the 36 Japanese investments going into the Nordics has …

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Startups in Helsinki and Stockholm lead Nordics on global outlook

Whether or not a startup scales has a lot to do with their motivation. A new report -— published by Nesta as part of the Startup Europe Partnership -— shows that there is substantial variation in entrepreneurs’ motivations to grow and seek finance across Europe. How do Nordic startups fare compared to their European counterparts? By Charlotte Reypens The Nesta …

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Fintech startup EnFuce raises €10 million for sustainability service

Finland’s Enfuce secures €10 million from Maki.vc to launch a sustainability service, MyCarbon Action, a service for banks and financial service providers to help customers track their carbon footprint per purchase. Finnish payment service provider Enfuce has today announced its new funding round of €10M, led by the early-stage VC firm Maki.vc and including venture debt from Nordea, LähiTapiola, and …

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Iceland’s Álfur Brewery tackles food waste

Álfur Brewery, an Icelandic nanobrewery, is on a mission to bring sustainability to Icelandic beer. The team recently completed the Til Sjávar og Sveita accelerator program organized by Icelandic Startups for companies creating innovative solutions in agriculture and fisheries. Co-founder Haukur Páll Finnsson came up with the idea after having a conversation with his family about food waste. During a …

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