
Food startups to watch

In 2014, Fortune Magazine  broke down how hot the food industry is among venture capitalists. In in 2013 alone, VCs had allocated $2.8 billion into food-related startups. Various factors, including sustainability, health, and digitalization, influence the food industry, making it increasingly diversified and interesting. Fascinating concepts and services are evolving around food. EntoCube, PlateCulture and EpicFoods are among the startups …

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UBI Awards gives top prizes to Nordic incubators

The UBI Global Awards, held this year on October 26th,  is an annual ceremony announcing the top rankings of business incubators and accelerators worldwide. Since 2013, UBI Global has done comprehensive benchmarking of over 400 incubator programs across 70 countries. This year, Swedish and Finnish accelerators took home top rankings, including Finland favorite Startup Sauna and the prestigious Uppsala Innovation …

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Kúla 3D and Authenteq Awarded Rising Star Award With Thula Leading Fast 50 List

Last week, Deloitte announced the winners of the Rising Star Awards in Iceland, with Kúla 3D and Authenteq winning this year’s title after pitching to a panel of judges at the final event. The other four companies that made it to the finals were Flygildi, Solid Clouds, Dent & Buckle, and GeoSilica. Kúla 3D was founded by Íris Ólafsdóttir, a seasoned entrepreneur …

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Pricelizer on ‘cartcharging’: the future of e-commerce

Pricelizer has been making waves across Europe, and has built some tremendous momentum in the e-commerce industry since their founding in 2013. After participating in the #Pitchdeck at the Reeperbahn Festival in Hamburg and presenting at the invite-only Next Conference in Hamburg, founder Karl Lillrud is quickly becoming a sought-after expert in e-commerce customer satisfaction. They found success in the …

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A blend of technology, talent, and new ideas at the IoT Conference in Lund

A blend of technology, talent and new ideas at the IoT Conference in Lund This article was originally posted on Øresund Startups. The rapidly growing IoT Conference took place in Lund last week. It is the second edition of the conference this year, after a successful initial conference back in April. Renowned speakers, both locally and internationally, were present to depict …

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“Innovation platform” MESH relaunches as hub for Nordic creators

Calling MESH just a co-working space is way too simplistic. It is a start up itself. It is a networking space. And it has its own hip café and bar.  Not to mention the working lounge. Following the MESH website we can define it as hub for the “Nordic Creators’ community”, and brainstorming with founder Anders Mjåset ,we came to …

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Konsoll 2015 Will Be the Largest Norwegian Games Conference

It started with only 74 attendees in 2012, but this year, the Norwegian Game Developers’ Guild’s Konsoll conference in Bergen, Norway, aims to reach nearly 400 attendees. The Norwegian games industry is growing at a fast pace. In 2015, the industry had over 50 game releases, but the country still only has one large games studio, FunCom, which means that …

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Learning Through Gaming

Today, the way we learn differs significantly from the past. Much has changed over a relatively short period of time, and will continue to do so. Developed education technology, or ed-tech, has been fundamental in altering our learning style.  One fascinating part of the field includes educational games, which have received much attention and interest. This year, Slush will welcome …

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Norway celebrates Ada Lovelace Day with record-breaking coding class

During Ada Lovelace‘s 200th anniversary Norway led the way with a groundbreaking coding session for hundreds of school girls. Over 200 girls descended upon the Deichmanske, Oslo’s public library, for a packed day of coding.GirlsTechFest took place on the 200th anniversary of Ada Lovelace, the world’s first computer programmer and was part of Oslo Innovation Week, a festival of innovative ideas …

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5 stupid mistakes VCs make

It isn’t only entrepreneurs who sabotage great business ideas by making stupid mistakes. Investors are just as guilty. Last week at Oslo Innovation Week, we talked with Jeanne Sullivan of Starvest Partners, about the 5 stupid mistakes entrepreneurs make over and over again. Of course, as an entrepreneur, “You have to know what to do and how to do it, …

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Oslo Innovation Week sets new standards for the Nordics

More than 60 events have been gathered at the annual Oslo Innovation Week, the largest innovation fair in all of Europe. Ranging from investors meetings to insightful talks and pitch competitions, Oslo became a global arena for connecting, networking, and learning more about innovation in the startup world. The convention catered to circa 9000 participants under the three main themes …

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Law advice for entrepreneurs

It is inevitable that you have to use lawyers at some stage if you run a company. At Oslo Innovation Week, Martin B. Rove and Remi Christoffer Dramstad, two lawyers with experience in corporate law and finance, imparted some lessons learned from law for entrepreneurs Avoid the mess Don’t let a giant backlog of paperwork build up – you’ll live …

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Crowdsourcing Week Europe 2015 enters Brussels

Crowdsourcing Week’s cutting edge 5-days conference, CSW Europe 2015, will take place in Brussels from 19-23 October 2015. During the week, you will learn about people-powered solutions that will help foster exponential innovation in finance, governments, corporations, energy, smart cities, and mobility. Since its launch in 2012, Crowdsourcing Week (CSW) has created a worldwide movement on the collaborative economy rallying …

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5 stupid mistakes entrepreneurs make

Entrepreneurs do the same stupid things over and over again. So says Jeanne Sullivan, venture capitalist, New Yorker, and cheerleader of women in business at Oslo Innovation Week. Jeanne knows what she’s talking about when it comes to startups.  With over 25 years of experience as a VC, she has seen “1000 times 1000 companies”. As a cofounder of Starvest …

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6 Reasons to Join Slush Ultrahack 2015

Ultrahack is part of Europe’s biggest hackathon leading up to the annual Slush conference. You can join with your pre-existing software or start from scratch during the online pre-game period lasting until October 30th or join the 48 hour hackathon taking place in Helsinki on November 6-8. Here are six reasons to join Ultrahack: Ultrahack has top notch industry players to provide never-before-published …

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The Future of Crowdfunding

Crowdfunding as a fundraising method has had tremendous momentum in recent years, with multiple platforms competing for the multi-billion dollar pie.   What does the future hold? Crowdfunding as alternative finance has been on the rise for the past few years, with around €710 thousand being raised in 2010, €14.4 billlion in 2014, and an estimated €83 billion in 2025, …

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Entrepreneurs present solutions to Copenhagen climate challenges

People from all over Europe gathered for last week’s Open Innovation Challenge Call at the Copenhagen city hall, where companies and startups bid to solve climate challenges faced by the city. Together with Climate-KIC (Climate Knowledge and Innovation Community), the City of Copenhagen hosted an Open Challenge Innovation Call, which took place last Friday, the 2nd of October.  DTU Lyngby Campus inaugurated …

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IoT – The Conference is back in Lund!

The fastest growing Internet of Things conference in Sweden is back after great pressure on the organizers. During October 14-15 the Internet of Things conference in Lund is back for the second time this year. After the first conference in April , the pressure on the organizers was so large that they took decision to run a new conference in the autumn …

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Recording in the Dreamhack Studio

Xue Mei spends the evening recording interviews for Dreamhack, the largest digital festival in the world about their DreamHackathons, and game development competitions. Latest information at See Xue Mei’s inteview with Dreamhack  here.

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Interview with Urska Srsen, Co-founder and CCO of Bellabeat

Urska Srsen met her co-founder Sandro Mur on a kitesurfing trip in Croatia. For her, becoming an entrepreneur was a very spontaneous and almost accidental process. Something that started as a project ended up as a business. It all started when Urska’s friend Sandro contacted her mother, one of the leading obstetrical gynecologists in Europe, and started to inquire about …

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