Media Page
Finding the Way in the Complexity of Clinical Data SMART-TRIAL, a solution developed by Danish IT co…
Insubalance, the Food Supplement That Can Prevent Diabetes With the number of diabetes patients on t…
Stay Healthy in the Comfort of Your Own Home Aarhus-based startup RaskRask gathers the best Danish m…
Sharing the Noble Goals of the UN for Clean Water In a world where water scarcity affects more than …
Fixing the Problem of the Carbon Markets Established with the goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissi…
Finnish medical software creator Disior has received a capital boost from and seed investors…
A new study on the profitability of angel investing, made by the Finnish Business Angel Network (FiB…
Recently successful Finnish startup entrepreneurs have founded an investment and consulting company …
The two Danish NGOs, the Children’s Fund and the Maternity Foundation have just received 4.2 m…
Rising North is a fund that aims to help Nordic startups become global leaders. It finances with up …
Finland continues to be the most attractive Nordic country for securing foreign direct investment (F…
Creathor Venture announced this week that it is leading a financing round of up to €14 million for H…
In 2016, Finnish startup and early stage growth companies raised the second highest amount of ventur…
Nordic design is indeed trending worldwide. In less than three hours the new Danish watch brand IVER…
In March 2017, #nordicmade companies took over SXSW at the #nordicmade booth. With a helpful boost …
Last weeks Arctic 15 three day event succeeded in offering a glimpse into the bright future of the N…
bSaka founders Matilda Waldner, Kicki Hallberg, and Sandra Ny met while work as sheep-shearers in S…
Rising North is a fund that aims to help Nordic startups become global leaders. The fund was launche…
On CanopyLAB’s ed-tech platform, companies, NGOs and institutions offer online courses focusin…
Last week, Helga Valfells, CEO of NSA Ventures in Iceland, along with two of the funds’ investment m…