
Infographic: 115 facts you never knew about social media

It can be hard to keep fresh content in front of your audience – especially in the fast-paced world of social media. has put together a massive treasure trove full of social media statistics, tips and tricks – 115 of them. So, read along and take a look at the social media statistics infographic to learn a thing or …

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How to smash it at Slush – Industry stars tell all

Slush is finished and if you’re anything like most people you felt overwhelmed by the sheer number of possibilities: from exciting startups and world-famous experts, to inspiring talks and promising parties. So where should you focus your time to get the most out of it next time around? Last week I set out to find the best practical advice to …

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Infographic: The updated list of 15 best countries to start a business

The World Bank has just released it’s annual report, “Doing Business in 2017“. Last year we reported on Nordic countries coming in at the top of the best places in the world to do business.  How do this year’s findings compare? These 15 countries in the below infographic, compiled by Market Inspector, rank the highest in their ease of doing …

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7 Reasons the global construction industry needs to innovate

The construction sector plays an imperative role in the evolution of businesses and society as a whole, and while there is continued interest in determining how to enhance innovation in this industry, little moves forward in the right direction. Despite its high contribution to the evolution of prosperous societies around the world, construction is much too often considered to lag …

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A year after SXSW win, Tinnitracks poised for global success

Tinnitracks is a digital health startup that treats tinnitus through an inventive audio therapy app which works by manipulating the frequencies in music. After capturing the top prize at the Reeperbahn Startup Pitch in 2013 and becoming available on German insurance, they have tackled global market entry at a faster pace than many of their peers. In 2015, they captured …

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3 Reasons financial institutions suck at fintech

From Spar Nord announcing a new fintech collaboration with Rocket Labs in Aalborg to the central bank in Norway considering blockchain for real time clearing and settlement for domestic payments among other things, it is clear that fintech is making solid progress in the Nordic banking industry. These developments are in lockstep with the rest of the financial world, as …

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Roope Mokka: Basic Income Could Be the Moonshot of Our Generation

In the startup world the role of an investor is to take “capital off the table”. This means that an entrepreneur can focus on delivering the product, without constantly needing to worry about resources. One of the promises of basic income is to do just that, not only for entrepreneurs but for all of us. But that’s only the beginning. …

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Best Nordic Dating Apps for 2016

Apps like Tinder and OkCupid are filled with people looking for love. But are there any apps that cater to Nordic users? Fortunately there are. The Nordic region is home to apps that are a bit different from the dating apps that most people are used to. Here are some of the best dating apps making the rounds in Northern …

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“Our drivers won’t unionize,” says CEO of MyTaxi, Uber’s European competitor

A new wellspring of employee organization is emerging in the so-called ‘sharing economy’, but the CEO of Daimler-backed ridesharing business MyTaxi, Uber’s main competitor in Europe, has dismissed the trend. By Tamlin Magee As Uber drivers in London and New York organise for the right to collective bargaining, the boss of Europe’s top ride-sharing competitor – MyTaxi, set to merge …

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Why mobile optimization is everything

Our permanent connection to social media and the internet serves a dual purpose. On the one hand, it’s a bit of escapism when we’re waiting for the bus or the train; on the other, it’s a physical tether to the things we care about, from friends and family to jobs, favourite TV shows, and music collections. And we haven’t quite …

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Customer relationships trumps 100 years of experience

The whole model for building trust and authority within a market has changed. Decades of experience and a long-standing reputation are no longer the huge assets they once were. In this new world where we are judged by every interaction with every customer, people power rules. By Mark Dissing Bækgaard The changing landscape In reality it has always been this …

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Health apps sell your personal information to companies

Health apps, which can log and monitor everything from moles to menstrual cycles, are asking for an increasing level of detail from their users, and the information may end up in the wrong hands. Apps that keep an eye on your health or cycle, have become popular in the Nordics. They are often free and can help users to keep …

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The best places for digital nomads in Stockholm

Finding free WIFI in Stockholm is certainly not a hard task. This is the Capital of Scandinavia, for Christ’s sake! So finding a good place to work from in Sweden’s main city is not about the connectivity. It’s more about sitting down in a pleasant and inspiring spot. Below, BackpackMe breaks down the best places for digital nomads in Stockholm. …

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Infographic: A closer look at the fintech industry

Financial Technology, also known as FinTech has made robust strides over the last five years. It is becoming a pivotal part of the global economy. Being the technology that is meant to make financial services more efficient and effective for all, FinTech is just getting started. We should expect more growth in the sector, this fiscal year, and the rest …

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Ed-techs on ed-tech: How to fix higher education

Educational reform has never been more salient in the Nordics, as schools race to integrate digital competences into the core curriculum.  Ed-tech Foundry, an ed-tech company based in Norway, has some thoughts on how higher education can be reformed to prepare students for the future and the best way to use ed-tech learning tools. “Tell me and I forget, teach …

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Infographic: The best time to send out press releases

“Data provides knowledge, and knowledge about the audience is crucial in media relations,” says Joanna Drabent, CEO & Co-founder of “Our research gives data for what we already expected: even the best story may get buried in journalists’ inboxes if sent out at a wrong moment.” Here’s a handy infographic about the best times to send out press releases …

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Virtual reality wars: Why Europe is winning the VR battle

Virtual reality (VR) might be booming around the world, but as the market begins to mature and competing companies gain some attention from the masses, certain countries are starting to move ahead. By Daniel Smyth As ever, Europe and North America find themselves locked in a battle for supremacy and in the last few months it seems as though the …

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3 Ed-tech trends to watch out for

As Ed-tech is becoming the next industry to watch in the Nordics, with success stories like Kahoot, DigiExam, and Funzi. We take a look at 3 major trends in the ed-tech world.   Adult education Ed-tech is often thought about in terms of “gamified” learning tools like Duolingo, but the real face of adult education is in the corporate world, …

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Millennials driving fintech development

Music, tech, politicians, finance – they all want the same thing:  the hearts and minds of millennials.  In the rapidly developing fintech world, millennials are often a driving force working behind the scenes and pushing traditional financial institutions to veer away from the cumbersome, expensive, in-person interactions of old. By Morgan M. Davis The app economy especially is “largely driven …

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FACE Entrepreneurship embraces the good, bad and the ugly

Last Thursday, the Microsoft Flux space in Helsinki played host to a panel and workshop by the FACE Entrepreneurship group. FACE stands for Failure Aversion Change in Europe, and they have been making their way around select European cities to promote beyond the traditionally media-sexy aspects of business and technology in the start-up ecosystem by digging deeper into the emotional …

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