Roope Mokka: Basic Income Could Be the Moonshot of Our Generation

In the startup world the role of an investor is to take “capital off the table”. This means that an entrepreneur can focus on delivering the product, without constantly needing to worry about resources. One of the promises of basic income is to do just that, not only for entrepreneurs but for all of us. But that’s only the beginning. …

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Lessons from Oslo Innovation Week: Techfugees, Girls Tech Fest, and more

It was perhaps significant that the recent Oslo Innovation Week (OIW) five-day series of events was preceded by a forty-eight hour Techfugees hackathon where more than one hundred data scientists, engineers, user experience designers and entrepreneurs united in teams to build prototypes alongside refugees, to find solutions to enable better integration into Norwegian society. the Techfugees Hackathon Techfugees is a …

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Startup Guide Oslo launches with a bang at Oslo Innovation Week

Among the many happenings during the recent Oslo Innovation Week, Start-up Guide Oslo was officially released at a launch party hosted by MESH. Start-up Everywhere has previously published Start-up guides for cities like Copenhagen, Stockholm, Berlin and many others with second editions in the planning stage. Now, it is Oslo’s time to shine. Audrey Camp, a co-author of the guide …

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Oslo Innovation Week – Where power couples meet

“Power Couples” was the theme for the recent Oslo Innovation Week (OIW) and quite fitting that Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway (pictures above, interacting with the AV1 robot) attended the opening ceremony at Skur 13, the indoor skate hall alongside the regenerated harbour in Oslo. Oslo Innovation Week is hosted by the City of Oslo and …

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Best Nordic Dating Apps for 2016

Apps like Tinder and OkCupid are filled with people looking for love. But are there any apps that cater to Nordic users? Fortunately there are. The Nordic region is home to apps that are a bit different from the dating apps that most people are used to. Here are some of the best dating apps making the rounds in Northern …

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Nordic startups ring the bell at NASDAQ, and new Nordic fund is launched

A delegation of Nordic startups rang the bell at the Nasdaq in New York on October 11th, as part of the #NordicMade showcase. #NordicMade is a community initiative that aims to build bridges between global tech regions and strengthen Nordic cooperation.  The bell-ringing also signaled the launch of a new €1.5 million Nordic fund. Helga Valfells, CEO of NSA Ventures, …

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“Our drivers won’t unionize,” says CEO of MyTaxi, Uber’s European competitor

A new wellspring of employee organization is emerging in the so-called ‘sharing economy’, but the CEO of Daimler-backed ridesharing business MyTaxi, Uber’s main competitor in Europe, has dismissed the trend. By Tamlin Magee As Uber drivers in London and New York organise for the right to collective bargaining, the boss of Europe’s top ride-sharing competitor – MyTaxi, set to merge …

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Lemonsqueeze takes market expansion expertise global, opening new offices abroad

Last week, the second ever #Nordicmade tour touched down in NYC to meet the local startup ecosystem, including Lemonsqueeze.  #Nordicmade is collaborative initiative between the five Nordic countries founded in Copenhagen in 2014, to increase cross-border collaboration and promote Nordic startups internationally. #Nordicmade’s NYC tour was whirlwind trip that took the 12 Nordic founders on a whirlwind tour of the …

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Marketing with a kick-flip at the Nordic Business Forum

The Messukeskus Expo and Convention Center in Helsinki came alive for 2 days in early October, as the impressive Nordic Business Forum hit town with 5,700 executives attending from over 30 countries. Added to these were up to 10,000 global viewers via live-streaming. The speaker list for previous annual Nordic Business Forum events, with themes such as Impact, Leadership and …

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Danske Bank and SUP46 launch open platform TheHub for Swedish startups

The open digital platform was launched today by Danske Bank and the Stockholm co-working space SUP46. TheHub aims to give visibility to all Swedish startups by forming a transparent database, and assist startups with recruitment of talents, finding and contacting investors, and offering best practice tools. By launching the platform, Danske Bank and SUP46 want to make it …

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Why mobile optimization is everything

Our permanent connection to social media and the internet serves a dual purpose. On the one hand, it’s a bit of escapism when we’re waiting for the bus or the train; on the other, it’s a physical tether to the things we care about, from friends and family to jobs, favourite TV shows, and music collections. And we haven’t quite …

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TechBBQ reflections: In the future, recruitment will be big business

At TechBBQ 2016 in Copenhagen, Denmark, the changing labor market was a hot topic.  The company Praice, who make recruitment software, took the stage to talk about the “Future of Work”. For many years, recruitment agencies and headhunters lived well by finding the right candidates for businesses.  Now, more and more tech startups are working to digitize the recruiting process, …

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A step forward for mobile app development with launch of Realm Mobile Platform

Realm,  a Danish Startup making responsive applications, has announced the Realm Mobile Platform, the mobile database powering the world’s most responsive applications.  In short, they can now deliver live data synchronization to between users. This is a step forward in the world of mobile app development.  If a company wants to create an app that includes, say, real-time messaging, they …

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Customer relationships trumps 100 years of experience

The whole model for building trust and authority within a market has changed. Decades of experience and a long-standing reputation are no longer the huge assets they once were. In this new world where we are judged by every interaction with every customer, people power rules. By Mark Dissing Bækgaard The changing landscape In reality it has always been this …

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Help Tayyab: How anti-immigration laws hurt people and startups

Startups and small businesses in Sweden and The Nordics have experienced an incredible couple of years in terms of investment and growth and these companies are contributing to the future economic and overall success of the Nordic countries more than ever. However, this has not happened overnight, a lot of people have put in a LOT of hard work to get …

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