Innovation House Finland is Nominated for Best Coworking Space by Nordic Startup Awards

Innovation House Finland

Changing the Innovation Culture in Finland Innovation House Finland uses a combination of strong data and creative freedom to help companies grow without forgetting individual well-being. The combination of well-being, quality, and cutting-edge business brings a new generation of innovation culture in Finland. Founders Katja Aalto and Petra Eratuli-Kola want to change the business culture in Finland by building a …

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Monsenso is Nominated for Best HealthTech Startup by Nordic Startup Awards

It’s Time to Take Mental Illnesses Seriously Mental health has become a huge social burden and a problem that grows on a daily basis. According to Monsenso founders, it is a major reason for lower life quality. This problem is expected to become the largest burden in the early 2020s. That’s why Monsenso has developed an innovative mHealth solution with …

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Lawbotics is Nominated for Best Bootstrapped Startup by Nordic Startup Awards


Making Law Work More Flexible and Transparent While working as a business lawyer, Merete Nygaard always thought about the inaccessibility of law for most people being unfair, as the law should be the foundation of the society, defining rules in everyday living. She always believed that the routine work which leads to the billing of hours in law firms is …

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Chooose is Nominated for 2018 Nordic Startup Awards


Fixing the Problem of the Carbon Markets Established with the goal of reducing greenhouse gas emission, the carbon markets use tradable carbon credits as permits for the release of certain amounts of carbon dioxide by the industries. Making carbon emissions tradable means pricing the pollution which in turn should lead to less pollution. Yet despite their noble goal, the carbon …

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Payr is Nominated for Startup of the Year, Best Fintech Startup and Best Newcomer by Nordic Startup Awards


Efficient and Easy-For-Use Finance Management App About 75% of consumers never review or renegotiate their service providers like banks, electricity, insurance etc because it can be confusing and time-consuming figuring out what the best deals and terms are, so consumers stay with the same provider. In order to bring order and efficiency into the services handling process, Payr developed a …

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ARYZE is Nominated for Best Newcomer Startup by Nordic Startup Awards


New Era for the Traditional Payment Infrastructure Witnessing a revolution in the fintech industry, the Danish startup ARYZE saw an opportunity in “making ‘analog’ money smarter.” While the hype of blockchain and IoT in the financial world is getting more attention, individuals and businesses are still relying on a traditional payments infrastructure, which makes money flow an expensive process. ARYZE …

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Arctic15 launches new Funding Program for early-stage startups and angel investors

Arctic15, the most effective matchmaking startup event in the Nordics and Baltics, has announced its new Funding Program. The program takes over the classic pitching competition to focus on connecting early-stage startups and angel investors across the region. The Funding Program was created in collaboration with business angels networks FiBAN and NordicBAN. The goal of the Funding Program is to …

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The six cleantech startups to watch in 2019

Every year, EIT Climate-KIC hosts the Climate Impact Battle at Slush. 30 pre-selected startups pitch the first day of the event. Only six makes it to the final on the last day of Slush. This year, the six finalists challenged climate change from a broad spectrum of solutions ranging from tiny insects to large-scale construction. Irish company Hexafly takes low-value …

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Norway based global impact accelerator open for next batch of startups

Startups from across the world are now invited to apply for round three of Katapult Accelerator in Oslo, Norway. To be selected, the startups must be early-stage and use exponential technology like blockchain or AI to solve a social or environmental challenge. “The Katapult Accelerator is the world’s first global for-profit accelerator focusing solely on impact and exponential technology. 200 …

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Noccela’s anti-theft tags show success with XXL

XXL protects their products throughout Finland with Noccela’s indoor positioning-based antitheft tags.  The sports retailer, who is the largest in the Nordics, now plans to expand their use of the tags.  The new generation of anti-theft tags was initially tested in one store, and the results were tangible. “The Noccela-protected products have been left alone,” says Iiro Oravisjärvi, Operations Manager …

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